
What's Happening

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Upcoming Conferences

Light bulbAACT offers a number of national theatre conferences, focusing on technical theatre, theatre education programs, and artistic direction of a theatre, and more.

New York Adventure

Watch for advance word of theatre performances & fun in New York City, 2016.  Complete package will include theatre tickets, tours, hotel accommodations, and social ev

AACTFest 2015

AACTFest 2015 logoAACTFest 2015 was held at the beautifully restored Grand Rapids [MI] Civic Theatre, June 23-27, 2015. Read more about 12 award-winning productions, plus workshops, meetings, networking and fun.

AACT NewPlayFest

AACT congratulates the member theatres who will produce the winning plays in our second AACT NewPlayFest. Theatres will be responsible for providing a fully realized production between July 2015 and December 2016, and for bringing in the playwright for a rehearsal or a performance.   Click here for more on AACT NewPlayFest 2016.

Local Events

Performances, auditions, & workshops around the country, posted by members of the greater theatre community.



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