Learn how to: Recruit and train the best possible board members Give direction to help them be effective on their own Transform them into successful fundraisers Build a cohesive and collaborative team Deal successfully with change and challenges "If you're new to working with groups, this book is the one to read first. If you're an old hand, you'll find a new (or well-worth remembering) point in each chapter." - Rod McCullough, Fulton Opera House "A must-read." - Allen Shankles, Amarillo Little Theatre "It's great to see a light bulb go on over board member's heads as they begin to understand their job and responsibility." - Fran Newton, Niagara Falls Little Theatre "Lynch’s long experience in community theater management, as well as her educational background (she received a Ph.D. in the subject), allows her to describe the typical situations faced by most boards, then provide practical steps for change. The 41 chapters break down the process into manageable chunks, and appendices include additional resources on planning, board responsibilities, and an excellent chart to help readers determine where their company lies in the five stages of community theater development. Beautifully designed and executed...." Stage Directions magazine.
10.5 × 12 × 1 in
1 lb